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Aluminium passivation  

Realizing the benefits of
taking TCO into consideration
for industrial cleaning

When it comes to maintaining a successful production, cutting costs is essential – and optimizing operations through detailed TCO analysis is the key to achieving long-term savings.

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What is passivation?

Passivation is a process that treats the surface of aluminium to create a protective layer that prevents corrosion and improves durability. Anodizing involves immersing aluminium in an electrolyte solution and passing an electric current through it to stimulate the formation of aluminium oxide. Chemical treatments involve applying a specific solution to the aluminium oxide. Mechanical polishing removes impurities to allow for the formation of protective oxide layer.

Environmental considerations in passivation include the use of chemicals and waste disposal. It is important to properly handle and dispose of any chemicals used in the process to minimize environmental impact. Additionally, utilizing more eco-friendly passivation methods and practices can help reduce the overall environmental footprint of aluminium passivation processes.

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What is the process of passivation for aluminium

The process of passivation for aluminium involves treating the surface to create a practice oxide layer that enhances corrosion resistance and durability. The steps of passivation for aluminium typically include cleaning the surface to remove any contaminants, followed by one of the passivation methods such as anodizing, chemical treatments, or mechanical polishing.

It is essential to follow proper cleaning procedures and select appropriate passivation methods to ensure the effectiveness of the protective layer. Attention should also be given to environmental considerations, such proper chemical handling and disposal, to minimize any negative impact on the environment.

Why should you consider passivation?

There are several key benefits to consider for aluminium surface passivation. Some of the main advantages include:

Corrosion resistance: The nature of aluminium is that it forms a thin layer of protective oxide which helps prevent corrosion and rusting to some degree. This extends the lifespan of the aluminium and maintains its appearance over time. However, passivation is still important as it helps improve the overall corrosion resistance of aluminium, making it more durable.

Improved durability: The protective oxide layer created through passivation enhances the overall durability of aluminium, making it more resistant to wear and tear from environmental factors such as moisture, chemicals, and temperature fluctuations.

Enhanced appearance: Passivation can give aluminium surfaces a more aesthetically pleasing finish by creating a smooth and uniform oxide layer. This can be particularly advantageous for industries where appearance is important.    

Maintenance of properties: Passivation helps maintain the mechanical and physical properties of aluminium, ensuring that it performs well under various conditions and retains its original characteristics.

How we at DST-CHEMICALS can help you with aluminium passivation

At DST-CHEMICALS, we can assist customers with aluminum passivation through our specialized product, DST-PAS. DST-PAS is designed to effectively protect, ensuring long-lasting durability and performance. This product is particularly beneficial for the manufacturing industry, where aluminum components are widely used.
Read more about DST-PAS here

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Questions and Answers

What is passivation and why is it important for aluminium surfaces? 
Passivation is a vital process for aluminium surfaces that involves treating the material to form a protective oxide layer. This layer enhances corrosion resistance, improves durability, maintains appearance, and preserves mechanical and physical properties. 
In which industries is passivation commonly used for aluminium surfaces? 
Passivation is commonly utilized in industries such as manufacturing and remanufacturing, where corrosion resistance is crucial for safety, longevity, and performance. 
How can considering passivation benefit industries using aluminium surfaces?
By implementing passivation for aluminium surfaces, industries can ensure the integrity and reliability of their products and equipment, leading to improved quality and longevity. 

Additional questions? No problem, let’s talk about it!

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We understand the importance of sustainability and strive to make a positive impact on the environment. By offering a range of enviro-friendly detergent solutions. DST-CHEMICALS demonstrate a genuine commitment to reducing the ecological footprint associated with cleaning processes. Joining forces with us means aligning yourself with a company that prioritizes ethical practices and actively contributes to the green agenda.

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What is cathodic protection and how does it work?

Realizing the benefits of
taking TCO into consideration
for industrial cleaning

When it comes to maintaining a successful production, cutting costs is essential – and optimizing operations through detailed TCO analysis is the key to achieving long-term savings.

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What is cathodic protection?

Cathodic protection is a corrosion prevention technique used to protect metal structures from deteriorating due to contact with corrosion-causing agents like water, oxygen, and chemicals. It works by creating a negative voltage potential on the metal surface, effectively slowing down the corrosion process and extending the lifespan of the structure.

What is cathodic protection used for? 

Cathodic protection is important because it helps prevent costly repairs and replacements of metal structures, particularly in industries like oil and gas, water, and marine structures. It is commonly used for offshore oil platforms, pipelines, ship hulls, and underground tanks where metal structures are exposed to harsh environments. By implementing cathodic protection systems, industries can ensure the safety and longevity of their metal assets.

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Different types of cathodic protection

There are two main methods of cathodic protection: galvanic and impressed current.

In galvanic protection, a more reactive metal (Zinc and copper) is connected to the metal structure, creating a galvanic cell where the sacrificial anode corrodes instead of the protected metal.

In impressed current cathodic protection (ICCP), an external power source applies a direct current to the metal structure, causing the corrosion agents to be repelled.

The key difference between the two types lies in the source of the protective current: galvanic protection relies on the natural potential difference between metals, while impressed current protection requires an external power source to drive the protective current.

Pros and cons of galvanic anode cathodic protection.  

Pros of galvanic anode cathodic protection include its simplicity, low maintenance requirements, and cost-effectiveness compared to impressed current systems. It is also suitable for smaller structures and remote locations where access to power sources may be limited.

However, there are some cons to consider. Galvanic anodes have a limited lifespan and may need to be replaced periodically. They also provide a fixed level of protection, which may not be sufficient for larger structures or environments with high corrosion rates.

Galvanic anode cathodic protection is best used in situations where a simple and cost-effective corrosion prevention method is needed, such as for smaller structures, remote locations, or where power sources are not readily available. It is a suitable choice when the level of protection provided by sacrificial anodes meets the requirements for the specific application.

Pros and cons of impressed current cathodic protection

Pros of impressed current cathodic protection include greater control and adjustability of the protective current, suitable for larger structures or areas with high corrosion risk., and longer-lasting protection compared to galvanic systems.

However, there are also some cons to consider. Higher initial installation and maintenance costs, requires regular monitoring and maintenance to ensure proper functioning, and potential for overprotection, which can lead to hydrogen embrittlement or other issues.

Impressed current cathodic protection is recommended when galvanic protection is not sufficient to provide the required level of corrosion prevention, especially in high-risk environments or critical infrastructure where precise control over the protective current is necessary. It is often used in industries such as oil and gas, marine, and transportation to protect vital structures from corrosion and extend their service life.

Pros and cons about cathodic protection

Pros of Cathodic Protection:

  1. Effective in preventing corrosion of metal structures.
  2. Long-lasting protection, extending the lifespan of assets.
  3. Can be applied to a wide range of structures and materials.
  4. Low maintenance requirements compared to other corrosion prevention methods.

Cons of Cathodic Protection:

  1. Initial installation costs can be high, especially for larger structures.
  2. Requires periodic monitoring and maintenance to ensure effectiveness.
  3. Limited effectiveness in certain environments or conditions.
  4. May not be suitable for all types of structures or materials.
  5. Potential for interference with other underground utilities or structures.

Eager to learn more about corrosion protection in general?

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We understand the importance of sustainability and strive to make a positive impact on the environment. By offering a range of enviro-friendly detergent solutions. DST-CHEMICALS demonstrate a genuine commitment to reducing the ecological footprint associated with cleaning processes. Joining forces with us means aligning yourself with a company that prioritizes ethical practices and actively contributes to the green agenda.

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How to choose the best coatings to protect for corrosion  

Realizing the benefits of
taking TCO into consideration
for industrial cleaning

When it comes to maintaining a successful production, cutting costs is essential – and optimizing operations through detailed TCO analysis is the key to achieving long-term savings.

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Different types of coatings for corrosion protection

There are various types of coatings available for corrosion protection, each with its own unique properties and benefits. The reason for the diversity in coatings is that different types of metals and environments require different levels of protection. Factors such as the metal surface, the environmental conditions it will be exposed to, and the desired longevity of the coating all play a role in determining the most suitable type of coating.
Read about aluminium corrosion protection here

List of different types of coatings:

1. Epoxy coatings
2. Alkyd coatings
3. Silicone coatings
4. Acrylic coatings

Each of these coatings offers unique benefits and protection against corrosion, making it essential to choose the right one based on the specific requirements of the metal surface and environmental conditions. By selecting the appropriate coating, you can effectively protect metal surfaces from corrosion and extend their lifespan.

Epoxy coatings

Epoxy coatings are known for their exceptional durability and chemical resistance, making them a popular choice for corrosion protection. These coatings are typically used on metal surfaces in industrial settings where they are exposed to harsh chemicals, high temperature, and heavy wear and tear. Epoxy coatings form a strong bond with a metal surface, creating a protective barrier that prevents corrosion from occurring.

Surface compatibility: Epoxy coatings are suitable for a wide range of metal surfaces, including steel, aluminium, iron etc. They ae commonly used on surfaces that are exposed to corrosive chemicals, water, and extreme temperatures.

Environments: Epoxy coatings are most used in industrial environments where metal surfaces are exposed to harsh conditions, such as chemical processing plants, oil refineries, and wastewater treatment facilities. These coatings are also used in commercial and residential settings for flooring, countertops, and other applications where corrosion protection is required.

Pros of epoxy coatings: 

  • Strong adherence to metal surfaces. 
  • Excellent durability and chemical resistance.  
  • High resistance to abrasion and impact. 
  • Easy to clean and maintain. 
  • Provides a smooth, glossy finish.

 Cons of epoxy coatings: 

  • May degrade when exposed to UV radiation. 
  • Can be prone to yellowing or discoloration over time.  
  • Requires proper surface preparation for optimal adhesion.
  • Can be more costly than other coating options. 

Alkyd coatings

Alkyd coatings are known for their versatility and durability, making them a popular choice for corrosion protection on a variety of surfaces. These coatings are oil-based and provide a protective barrier against moisture, chemicals, and environmental factors that can cause corrosion. Alkyd coatings are known for their excellent adhesion properties, making them suitable for a wide range of metal surfaces.

Surface compatibility: Alkyd coatings are suitable for a variety of metal surfaces, including steel, iron, and aluminium. They are commonly used on surfaces that are surfaces that are exposed to mild to moderate levels of corrosion, such as equipment, machinery, and structural components in industrial and commercial settings.

Environments: Alkyd coatings are most used in indoor and outdoor environments where metal surfaces are subject to moderate levels of corrosion. They are frequently used in applications such as machinery, structural steel, manufacturing facilities etc.

Pros of alkyd coatings: 

  • Good adhesion to metal surfaces.
  • Versatile and suitable for a variety of substrates.
  • Excellent resistance to moisture and chemicals.
  • Dries quickly and provides a smooth finish.
  • Easy to apply and maintain.

Cons of alkyd coatings: 

  • Limited resistance to high temperatures.
  • Susceptible to cracking and peeling over time.
  • Not as durable as some other coating options.
  • May require multiple coats for adequate protection.

Silicone coatings

Silicone coatings are known for their excellent weather resistance, UV stability, and high temperature resistance, making them a popular choice for corrosion protection in harsh environments. These coatings form a flexible and durable barrier on metal surfaces, providing long-lasting protection against corrosion, moisture, chemicals, and extreme temperatures. Silicone coatings are commonly used in applications where high-performance protection is required.

Surface Compatibility: Silicone coatings are suitable for a variety of surfaces, including metal surfaces exposed to extreme environmental conditions, such as roofs, bridges, pipelines, and equipment in industrial settings.

Environments: Silicone coatings are most used in outdoor environments where metal surfaces are subject to harsh weather conditions, UV exposure, and high temperatures. They are frequently used in applications such as industrial roofs, bridges, marine structures, and equipment in chemical processing plants and refineries.

Pros of silicone coatings: 

  • Excellent weather resistance and UV stability. 
  • High temperature resistance. 
  • Flexible and durable coating that can accommodate movement. 
  • Low maintenance and long service life.
  • Provides a smooth and aesthetics finish. 

 Cons of silicone coatings: 

  • Higher cost compared to other coating options. 
  • Limited abrasion and impact resistance.
  • Requires proper surface preparation for optimal adhesion.
  • May degrade over time in environments with high chemical exposure. 

Acrylic coatings

Acrylic coatings are known for their versatility, durability, and ease of application, making them a popular choice for corrosion protection on a variety of surface. These coatings are water-based and provide a protective barrier against moisture, chemicals, and environmental factors that can cause corrosion. Acrylic coatings are known for their excellent adhesion properties and resistance to UV exposure, making them suitable for both interior and exterior applications.

Surface compatibility: Acrylic coatings are suitable for a variety of surfaces, including metal, word, concrete, and masonry. They are commonly used on metal surfaces exposed to mild to moderate levels of corrosion, such as structural components, equipment, and machinery in commercial and residential settings.

Environments: Acrylic coatings are most used in indoor and outdoor environments where metal surfaces are subject to moderate levels of corrosion. They are frequently used in applications such as architectural structures, machinery, furniture’s, and decorative metalwork in residential, commercial, and institutional buildings.

Pros of acrylic coatings: 

  • Good adhesion to a variety of surfaces.
  • Excellent UV resistance and colour retention.
  • Fast drying time and easy application.
  • Low odour.
  • Provide a smooth and attractive finish.

 Cons of acrylic coatings: 

  • Limited resistance to harsh chemicals and abrasion.
  • Not as durable as some other coating options.
  • May require multiple coats for adequate protection.
  • Vulnerable to hot temperatures and high humidity environments.


The DST-PAS is one of our many exceptional products with focus on functionality for both long- and short-term protection. Whether transporting goods overseas, the DST-PAS effectively shields against humidity and complies with all finishing passivation standards, even functioning optimally at 20°C. Furthermore, our water-based DST-PAS products boast a pH range from neutral to slightly alkaline, meticulously formulated to cater to all metal types while prioritizing a safe working environment. Imagine the convenience of painting directly on parts without the need for additional washing – a reality achievable with DST-PAS. Simplifying indoor storage with its temporary corrosion inhibitor, DST-PAS truly enhances efficiency and ease in your operations.

Pros of DST-PAS: 

  • Suitable for all metal types.
  • Water-based and enviro-friendly.
  • Fast and easy application.
  • Functions even at low temperatures.
  • Enhances efficiency in operations. 

 Cons of DST-PAS: 

Interested in learning more about DST-PAS? Read more!

What application techniques are needed for corrosion protection coatings?

Application techniques for corrosion protection coatings vary depending on the type of coating, the surface being coated, and the specific environmental conditions. However, some common application techniques used for corrosion protection coatings include:

1. Surface preparation: Before applying any corrosion protection coating, the surface must be properly prepared to ensure adhesion and effectiveness. Surface preparation techniques may include cleaning, degreasing, chemical treatment to remove contaminants, rust, and old coatings.
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2. Spray Application: Spray application is one of the most common methods for applying corrosion protection coatings. This technique involves using a spray gun to atomise the coating material and evenly distribute it onto the surface. Spray application allows for a uniform and consistent coating thickness and is suitable for large surface areas.

3. Dip coating: Dip coating involves immersing the object or component into a tank of coating material to apply a uniform layer of protection. This method is commonly used for small, complex-shaped parts or components that are difficult to coat using other techniques.

Environmental considerations about corrosion protection coatings

Environmental considerations are increasingly important in the selection and application of corrosion protection coatings. As the awareness of environmental sustainability and the impact of the traditional coatings on the environment grows, there is a growing demand for eco-friendly and environmentally friendly coatings solutions. Here are some key points to consider regarding environmental aspects of corrosion protection coatings:  
1. Eco-friendly coatings: Many manufacturers have developed eco-friendly coatings that have lower volatile organic compound (VOC) emissions, reduced toxicity, and are formulated using renewable or recyclable material. Examples of eco-friendly coatings include water-based coatings, powder coatings, and high-solids coatings that have lower environmental impact compared to traditional solvent-based coatings.  
2. Low volatile organic compounds (VOC): are chemicals that evaporate into the air, contributing to air pollution and potential working safety. Low VOC coatings are formulated to have minimal VOC emissions, reducing air pollution and creating a healthier working environment during application. 

3. Water-based coatings: Water-based coatings use water as a carrier instead of solvents, reducing emissions of harmful chemicals into the environment. Water-based coatings are environmentally friendly, safe to use, and provide effective corrosion protection for various surfaces.
Read more about our water-based products


In conclusion, when applying corrosion protection coatings, it is crucial to consider the environmental impact of the coatings and the application techniques used. Choosing eco-friendly coatings, such as water-based coatings, can help to reduce VOC emissions and minimize harmful effects on the environment. Proper surface preparation, application techniques, and disposal practices are essential for achieving effective and long-lasting corrosion protection while maintaining environmental sustainability. By selecting eco-friendly coating and implementing eco-friendly practices, we can protect against corrosion while minimizing our impact on the environment.  


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We understand the importance of sustainability and strive to make a positive impact on the environment. By offering a range of enviro-friendly solutions. DST-CHEMICALS demonstrate a genuine commitment to reducing the ecological footprint associated with cleaning processes. Joining forces with us means aligning yourself with a company that prioritises ethical practices and actively contributes to the green agenda.

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The Complete guide to removing oxidation from aluminium

Realizing the benefits of
taking TCO into consideration
for industrial cleaning

When it comes to maintaining a successful production, cutting costs is essential – and optimizing operations through detailed TCO analysis is the key to achieving long-term savings.

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What is aluminium oxidation?

Aluminium oxidation refers to the process in which aluminium reacts with oxygen in the air, forming a thin layer of aluminium oxide on the surface of the metal. This layer is typically white or grey in colour and can give the aluminium a dull and pitted appearance. While aluminium oxide is a protective barrier that helps prevent further corrosion, excessive oxidation can lead to deterioration of the metal.

Note that aluminium oxidation is different from rust, a form of iron oxide that occurs when iron reacts with oxygen and moisture. Rust is typically reddish-brown and is commonly associated with ferrous metals like steel. Corrosion, on the other hand, is a general term that refers to the degradation of metals through chemical reactions with their environment.
Read more about corrosion and rust removal in industrial settings here

The appearance of aluminium oxidation can vary depending on the severity of the corrosion. In its initial stages, oxidation may appear as a dull, whitish film on the surface of the aluminum. As the corrosion progresses, the oxidation may develop into a more noticeable powdery or flaky texture, eventually leading to pitting or discoloration of the metal surface.

Aluminium oxidation occurs due to the natural reactivity of aluminium with oxygen in the air. When aluminium is exposed to moisture and air, a chemical reaction occurs, forming aluminium oxide on the surface of the metal. Factors such as exposure to saltwater, pollution, and harsh chemicals can accelerate the oxidation process, leading to more severe corrosion. Regular cleaning and maintenance can help prevent and remove oxidation from aluminium surfaces, preserving the metal’s appearance and structural integrity.

Step by step: 3 ways to clean oxidation from aluminium

Here are 3 methods for cleaning and removing oxidation from aluminium surfaces: Pressure washing, chemical cleaning, and steam cleaning.

Pressure washing: Pressure washing involves using high-pressure water spray to clean surfaces, including aluminium. The force of the water can dislodge dirt, grime, and oxidation from the surface, making it an effective method for cleaning large areas quickly. However, pressure washing may not be suitable for delicate or intricate aluminium surfaces, as the high pressure can potentially damage the metal or strip away protective coatings.   

Chemical cleaning: Chemical cleaning involves using specialized cleaners and polishes specifically designed for aluminium surfaces. These cleaners work by breaking down oxidation and other contaminants. Chemical cleaning is a targeted approach that can be used on smaller or more delicate aluminium surfaces where pressure washing may be too harsh. 

Steam cleaning: Steam cleaning uses high temperature to clean and sanitize surfaces, including aluminium. The heat and moisture help to loosen dirt and oxidation, making it easier to remove with a cloth or towel. Steam cleaning is a chemical-free method that can be as powerful as pressure washing for stubborn or deep-seated oxidation.  
Each method has its own advantages and considerations, so it is essential to choose the most suitable method based on the specific requirements of the aluminium surface being cleaned. Consider factors such as the size of the area, the level of oxidation, the type of aluminium, and any protective coatings or finishes when selecting the cleaning method.  

In doubt? Come, let’s find the right method for you

How to make aluminium shine

After cleaning aluminium surfaces to remove oxidation and dirt, there are several methods to restore shine to the metal.  

The DST-WAY: At DST-CHEMICALS, we have products to cover your exact needs. Even if you are looking for a way to reenergize your aluminium parts. We recommend using non-alkaline products. The lower the pH-value, the better. As a rule of thumb, we’d say a pH-value ranging from 2-5 depending on the part. If you are looking to prevent additional oxidation on aluminum surfaces, we suggest using our DST-Alu Rinse. This product is a 2% solution that provides temporary protection against further oxidation on aluminum. The mechanism involves penetrating the rust and corrosion, effectively breaking down the oxide layers that have accumulated on the metal.

Aluminium brightener: Aluminium brighteners are commercial products that can help to remove oxidation and restore shine to aluminium surfaces. Follow the manufacturer’s instructions for proper application, which involve diluting the brightener with water, applying it to the surface, and rinsing it off after a specific time. Aluminium brighteners can be effective in brightening and shing aluminium surfaces.  

Aluminium polish paste: Aluminium polish paste is another effective product for shining aluminium surfaces. Apply a small amount of the paste onto a damp cloth and gently rub it onto the aluminium surface in circular motions. The abrasive particles in the paste help to remove oxidation and scratches while restoring shine to the metal. Buff the surface with a clean, dry cloth to reveal a glossy.

Why remove oxidation from aluminium? 

There are several reasons why it is important to remove oxidation from aluminium:

Functionality: When aluminium is oxidised, it forms a layer on its surface, which can prevent proper adhesion when welding or painting. This can lead to weak welds or paint peeling, compromising the quality and durability of the final product. Additionally, oxide layers can interfere with the assembly of aluminium parts, causing difficulties in fitting components together correctly. By removing oxidation, the surface of the aluminium is cleaned and prepared for seamless assembly, ensuring that parts fit together correctly.  

Corrosion prevention: Oxidation is a form of corrosion that can deteriorate aluminium surfaces over time. If left untreated, oxidation can weaken the metal and lead to structural damage or pitting. By removing oxidation promptly, you can prevent further corrosion and extend the lifespan of aluminium surfaces.   


Health and safety: Oxidised aluminium can release harmful particles into the air or onto surfaces, posing potential health risks to individuals who meet the metal. By removing oxidation, you can minimize the risk of exposure to these harmful particles and create a safer environment.

Maintenance and longevity: Regularly removing oxidation from aluminium surfaces is an essential part of maintenance to ensure the metal remains in good condition. By addressing oxidation early on, you can maintain the integrity and longevity of aluminium surfaces, reducing the need for costly repairs or replacements in the future.

Improved performance: Oxidized aluminium surfaces may not function as effectively as non-oxidized surfaces, particularly in applications where conductivity or reflectivity is important. By removing oxidation, you can restore the performance of aluminium components and ensure they function optimally.  

Ease of cleaning: As mentioned, removing oxidation from aluminium is easier when done properly. Oxidation can become more challenging to remove over time, requiring more time and effort to restore the shine and lustre of the metal. By addressing oxidation early on, you can make the cleaning process more efficient and effective.  

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We understand the importance of sustainability and strive to make a positive impact on the environment. By offering a range of enviro-friendly detergent solutions. DST-CHEMICALS demonstrate a genuine commitment to reducing the ecological footprint associated with cleaning processes. Joining forces with us means aligning yourself with a company that prioritizes ethical practices and actively contributes to the green agenda.

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How to prevent aluminium corrosion

Realizing the benefits of
taking TCO into consideration
for industrial cleaning

When it comes to maintaining a successful production, cutting costs is essential – and optimizing operations through detailed TCO analysis is the key to achieving long-term savings.

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Why does aluminium corrode?

Aluminium is known for its natural resistance to corrosion, thanks to the ability to form a thin oxide layer on its surface that protects it from environmental elements. However, aluminium can still corrode under certain conditions. The primary cause of aluminium corrosion is the reaction between the metal and oxygen in the air, leading to the formation of aluminium oxide.

There are several factors that can accelerate aluminium corrosion, including exposure to moisture, saltwater, acidic or alkaline environments, and high temperatures. When aluminium comes into contact with these elements, it can lead to the breakdown of the protective oxide layer and the formation of pitting or surface damage.

Other factors that can contribute to aluminium corrosion include contact with dissimilar metals, improper handling or storage, and mechanical damage to the surface of the metal. It is important to be aware of these causes of aluminium corrosion and take preventive measures to protect your aluminium products from deteriorating over time.

What is the difference between rust and corrosion

Rust and corrosion are often used interchangeably to describe the deterioration of metals, but there is a distinct difference between the two terms. Rust specifically refers to the corrosion of iron and its alloys, such as steel, when they come into contact with oxygen and moisture. The reddish-brown flakes that form on the surface of iron or steel are called rust.

On the other hand, corrosion is a general term that describes the degradation of any metal when exposed to environmental elements. Unlike rust, corrosion can affect a wide range of metals, including aluminium, copper, brass, zinc, among others. Corrosion can manifest in various forms, such as pitting, flaking, or discoloration, depending on the type of metal and the conditions in which it is exposed.

The main reason why there is a difference between rust and corrosion lies in the chemical composition of the metals themselves. Iron and steel contain a significant amount of iron, which is prone to reacting with oxygen to form iron oxide, or rust. Other metals, like aluminium and copper, have different chemical compositions that result in different corrosion products when they come into contact with environmental elements.
Learn more about rust removal here

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How to prevent aluminium corrosion

At DST-CHEMICALS, we offer a range of water-based, enviro-friendly products which are effective against aluminium corrosion. One of our key products, DST-DERUST, is specifically designed to remove rust and corrosion from aluminium surfaces.  
DST-DERUST is a water-based, biodegradable rust remover that is safe for both users and the environmentIt is formulated with eco-friendly ingredients that effectively dissolve rust and corrosion without the use of harsh chemicals or harmful fumes.  
If you intent to protect aluminium surfaces from further oxidation, we recommend our DST-Alu Rinse. This product is a 2% resolution that temporarily protects against further oxidation from aluminium. The science behind it is that it penetrates the rust and corrosion, breaking down the oxide layers that have formed on the metal.


In conclusion, preventing aluminium corrosion is essential to maintaining the integrity and longevity of aluminium components. By utilizing our environmentally friendly products like DST-DERUST, you can effectively remove existing corrosion and protect aluminium from further deterioration. In addition, choosing the right coating product tailored for aluminium surfaces can provide a durable barrier against corrosive elements, ensuring the continued performance and aesthetics of your aluminium assets. Prioritize corrosion prevention measures to prolong the lifespan of your aluminium components and contribute to an eco-friendly environment.
Discover the complete guide to corrosion protection in industrial settings here

Are you interested in learning more about corrosion?

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We understand the importance of sustainability and strive to make a positive impact on the environment. By offering a range of enviro-friendly detergent solutions. DST-CHEMICALS demonstrate a genuine commitment to reducing the ecological footprint associated with cleaning processes. Joining forces with us means aligning yourself with a company that prioritises ethical practices and actively contributes to the green agenda.

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Rust removal to protect equipment

Realizing the benefits of
taking TCO into consideration
for industrial cleaning

When it comes to maintaining a successful production, cutting costs is essential – and optimizing operations through detailed TCO analysis is the key to achieving long-term savings.

Table of Contents

What is rust and how does it form?

Rust, also known as iron oxide, is a reddish-brown coating that forms on iron and steel when exposed to oxygen and moisture. The process of rust formation, scientifically known as corrosion, occurs when iron reacts with oxygen and water, leading to the breakdown of the metal’s surface. While rust may appear harmless at first glance, it can have a detrimental effect on industrial parts if left untreated.  

Rust can weaken the structural integrity of equipment, causing components to deteriorate and potentially leading to equipment failure. This can result in costly repairs, downtime, and loss of productivity for businesses. In addition, rust can also impact the efficiency and performance of equipment, reducing its lifespan and increasing maintenance costs over time.  
The financial and operational risks associated with untreated rust issues are significant. Equipment that is affected by rust may experience decreased efficiency, leading to higher energy consumption and reduced output. In addition, rust can compromise the safety of equipment and pose risks to employees working with or around the affected machinery. Furthermore, untreated rust can escalate into more severe corrosion problems, resulting in the need for costly replacements or repairs.  
To protect industrial equipment and maintain operational efficiency, it is crucial to address rust issues properly and effectively. Regular inspection and maintenance, along with proper rust removal techniques, can help prevent the formation of rust and prolong the lifespan of equipment. By investing in rust removal and prevention, businesses can mitigate the financial and operational risks associated with rust issues and ensure the smooth functioning of their equipment. 

Exploring industrial rust removers

When it comes to industrial rust removal, there are several types of rust removers available on the market, each with its own unique properties and applications. Some common types of rust removers include:

Chemical rust removers: These solutions contain acidic or alkaline compounds that break down rust from metal surfaces. Examples of chemical rust removers include phosphoric acid-based products, citric acid solutions, and rust converters.  

Mechanical rust removers:
Mechanical rust removers, such as wire brushes, sandpaper, and abrasive pads, physically scrub away rust from metal surfaces. These tools are effective for smaller rust spots and surface-level corrosion.  

Electrolytic rust removers: Electrolytic rust removal involves using an electric current and an electrolyte solution to remove rust from metal surfaces. This method is effective for larger rusted areas and can be used on delicate or complex equipment.  

What to consider when selecting the rust remover

When selecting the appropriate rust remover for a specific application, there are several factors to consider:  

Type and extent of rust: Consider the type and severity of rust present on the equipment. Some rust is present on the equipment. Some rust removers are more effective for light surface rust, while others are better suited for heavy corrosion. 

Material compatibility: Ensure that the rust remover is compatible with the material of the equipment being treated. Some chemicals can damage certain metals or coatings. 

Safety and environmental impact: Consider the safety and environmental implications of the rust remover. Choose products that are safe to use and environmentally friendly. 

The process of rust removal typically involves applying the rust remover to the affected area, allowing it to penetrate and break down the rust, and then scrubbing or rinsing off the rust residue. For more stubborn rust, multiple applications or a combination of different rust removal methods may be necessary. 

VMS group's success with industrial cleaning through DST-CHEMICALS in the offshore industry.

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Rust prevention strategies

In addition to using rust removers to address existing rust issues, implementing rust prevention strategies is essential for protecting industrial equipment and ensuring its longevity. One of the most effective ways to prevent rust formation is with protective coatings and sealants. These products create a barrier between the metal surface and external elements, such as oxygen and moisture, that can cause corrosion.

Some common types of protective coatings and sealants used for rust prevention include:

Paints and primers: Applying paint or primer to metal surfaces can help protect against rust formation by providing a protective barrier. Epoxy, urethane, and enamel paints are commonly used for industrial applications.  

Corrosion inhibitors: Corrosion inhibitors are chemicals that can be applied to metal surfaces to prevent rust formation. These inhibitors form a protective film on the metal, preventing rust-causing elements from meeting the surface.  

Galvanizing: Galvanizing involves applying a layer of zinc to metal surfaces through a hot-dip or electroplating process. This zinc coating acts as a sacrificial anode, protecting the underlying metal from corrosion.  

Additionally, besides the use of protective coatings and sealants, implementing regular maintenance and inspection routines is crucial for preventing rust on industrial equipment. Regularly inspecting equipment for signs of rust, addressing any issues promptly, and conducting preventive maintenance can help identify and address potential rust risks before they escalate into more severe problems.  

DST-CHEMICALS lab showing a person conduction industrial cleaning tests

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How can we help you with rust removal?

The task of rust removal can often pose significant challenges, given the ease with which rust forms and the difficulty in effectively eliminating it, not to mention the potential for soaring costs. In response to this persistent issue, we have introduced the innovative DST-DERUST solution. This product offers a straightforward yet powerful functionality, boasting three key advantages. Firstly, it significantly reduces energy expenses by operating efficiently at room temperature, thereby enhancing cost-effectiveness and yielding substantial savings on energy consumption. Secondly, the water-based DST-DERUST products maintain a neutral pH level ranging from 5.7 to 6.6, eliminating the need for labelling and ensuring a safer work environment for employees. Lastly, the DST-DERUST products require minimal handling as they effectively remove various forms of corrosion and rust, including red iron oxides. This seamless process allows for post-treatment activities such as laser welding without any hindrance, exemplifying the versatility and convenience offered by DST-DERUST.

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Questions & Answers

What is rust? 
Rust is a form of corrosion that occurs when iron or steel is exposed to oxygen and moisture, causing a chemical reaction that forms iron oxide. Rust can weaken metal structures and surfaces, leading to deterioration and potential failure over time.  

What is the difference between rust, oxidation, and corrosion? 

  • Rust specifically refers to the reddish-brown iron oxide that forms when iron or steel reacts with oxygen and moisture. 
  • Oxidation is a chemical reaction that occurs when a material interacts with oxygen. While rust is a specific type of oxidation that affects iron and steel, oxidation can occur with other materials as well.  
  • Corrosion is a broader term that refers to the deterioration of materials, including metals, due to chemical or electrochemical reactions with their environment. Rust is a type of corrosion that affects iron and steel.   

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We understand the importance of sustainability and strive to make a positive impact on the environment. By offering a range of sustainable detergent solutions. DST-CHEMICALS demonstrate a genuine commitment to reducing the ecological footprint associated with cleaning processes. Joining forces with us means aligning yourself with a company that prioritizes ethical practices and actively contributes to the green agenda.

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The complete guide to corrosion protection in industrial settings

Realizing the benefits of
taking TCO into consideration
for industrial cleaning

When it comes to maintaining a successful production, cutting costs is essential – and optimizing operations through detailed TCO analysis is the key to achieving long-term savings.

Table of Contents

What is corrosion?

Corrosion is the deterioration of a material, usually a metal, due to a chemical reaction with its environment. There are several types of corrosion, including uniform corrosion, localized corrosion (such as pitting corrosion and crevice corrosion), galvanic corrosion, and stress corrosion cracking. Each type of corrosion can have different mechanisms and causes, but all can lead to significant damage if left unchecked.

Corrosion can have far-reaching consequences on infrastructure and industrial equipment. It can weaken structures, pipelines, and machinery, leading to premature failure and safety hazards. Corrosion can also result in leaks, reduced efficiency, and increased maintenance costs. In extreme cases, corrosion-related failures can cause catastrophic accidents and environmental damage.

The financial impact of corrosion on infrastructure and industrial equipment can be substantial. Repairing or replacing corroded components can be costly, not only in terms of material and labor expenses but also in terms of lost production and downtime. Corrosion-related maintenance and repair costs can quickly add up, affecting the bottom line of businesses and industries.

In addition to financial losses, corrosion poses a significant risk to operational safety and efficiency. Corroded equipment and structures may not perform as intended, increasing the likelihood of accidents and distributions to operations. Corrosion can also compromise the integrity of critical systems, putting personnel and the environment at risk. Ensuring proper corrosion protection measures are in place is essential for maintaining operational safety and efficiency in industrial settings.

Why is corrosion protection important?

Preventing corrosion through effective protection measures can result in significant economic benefits. By safeguarding infrastructure and industrial equipment from corrosion, businesses can avoid costly repair and replacement expenses. Regular maintenance and applying corrosion protection coatings can extend the lifespan of assets, reducing the need for frequent replacements and downtime. Additionally, implementing corrosion protection measures can improve operational efficiency and reduce maintenance costs in the long run.

Corrosion not only affects the bottom line of businesses but also has environmental implications. Corrosion-related leaks and failures can result in the release of hazardous materials into the ecosystems, contaminating soil and water sources. This can have far-reaching consequences on wildlife, vegetation, and human health. Implementing corrosion protection measures helps prevent environmental damage by reducing the risk of leaks and spills.

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How to prevent corrosion

The key to preventing corrosion is to eliminate or control the factors that contribute to the degradation of materials. This can be achieved by implementing various corrosion prevention techniques, including the use of barriers and inhibitors. 
Barriers are physical coating or layers applied to the source of a material to prevent contact with corrosive elements. They act as a shield, protecting the underlying material from the environment. Inhibitors, on the other hand, are chemical substances that are added to the environment or applied directly to the material to reduce the rate of corrosion. Inhibitors work by forming a protective film on the metal surface, slowing down the corrosion process.

Common corrosion protection techniques

Surface Coatings: Applying paints, enamels, or other coating materials to the surface of a material can provide an effective barrier against corrosion. These coatings create a protective layer that shields the material from exposure to moisture and chemicals, preventing corrosion.

Cathodic Protection: Is a technique used to control corrosion by making the metal surface the cathode of an electrochemical cell. This can be achieved through sacrificial anodes, where a more reactive metal is connected to the structure to absorb the corrosion, or through impressed currents, where an external power source is used to provide a protective current.

Alloying metal: Alloying is the process of adding other elements to a metal to enhance its corrosion resistance. By altering the composition of the metal, its susceptibility to corrosion can be reduced, making it more resistant to degradation in corrosive environments.

Protective Wraps and Tapes: Wrapping materials like tapes and wraps can be used to physically shield metal surfaces from corrosive elements. These protective wraps create a barrier that prevents direct contact between the metal and the environment, reducing the risk of corrosion.

Corrosion Inhibitors: Corrosion inhibitors are chemicals added to the environment or applied directly to the metal surface to reduce corrosion rate. These inhibitors work by forming a protective layer on the metal surface, preventing corrosive agents from reaching the underlying material. Corrosion inhibitors are commonly used in various industries, such as oil and gas, water treatment, and manufacturing, to protect equipment and infrastructure from corrosion.

Protect your equipment against corrosion

When is corrosion protection applied?

The transportation industry, particularly in overseas operations, is highly vulnerable to corrosion due to exposure to harsh environmental conditions such as humidity, saltwater, and varying temperatures. These factors accelerate the corrosion process, leading to structural degradation and potential safety hazards. Additionally, the constant movement of goods and vehicles increases the likelihood of physical damage, which can further
exacerbate corrosion issues. Proper corrosion protection measures are essential to ensure the longevity and safety of transportation assets in such challenging environments.

The offshore industry: Maritime structures, including ships, offshore platforms, and port facilities, are constantly exposed to corrosive saltwater environments. The corrosive nature of seawater can accelerate the degradation of metal surfaces, making corrosion protection essential in the maritime industry.

Oil and gas pipelines are highly susceptible to corrosion due to the harsh operating conditions they are exposed to, such as
high temperatures, pressures, and corrosive chemicals. Corrosion in pipelines can lead to leaks, spillages, and environmental contamination, making effective corrosion protection crucial in this industry.

Corrosion protection of metal parts is essential to prevent damage and extend the lifespan of equipment. At DST-CHEMICALS, we offer a unique solution for this challenge. We call it DST-PAS
. This product is a high-performance corrosion inhibitor that forms a protective layer on metal surfaces, preventing oxidation and corrosion. This innovative product is designed to effectively protect metal parts from harsh environmental conditions, such as moisture, saltwater, and chemicals.

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Factors influencing the decision to apply protection

The prevailing environmental conditions, such as temperature, humidity, moisture levels, and exposure to corrosive agents, play a significant role in determining the type and frequency of corrosion protection measures needed.

The operating conditions of assets, including stress, pressure, and operating temperatures, can impact the rate of corrosion and influence the decision to apply protection measures.

Budget constraints and cost-effectiveness are important factors to consider when deciding on the timing and extent of corrosion protection measures. Balancing the cost of protection with the potential economic losses from corrosion damage is crucial in decision-making.

Compliance with industry regulations and standards related to corrosion prevention can also influence the timing and extent of protection measures. Industries must adhere to regulatory guidelines to ensure the safety and integrity of their assets.

How can we help you in corrosion protection?

With over 35 years of expertise, we have successfully assisted numerous companies in overcoming the challenges of corrosion protection with our DST-PAS as mentioned earlier. Our customers are captivated by its exceptional functionality for both long- and short-term protection. Whether transporting goods overseas, the DST-PAS effectively shields against humidity and complies with all finishing passivation standards, even functioning optimally at 20°C. Furthermore, our water-based DST-PAS products boast a pH range from neutral to slightly alkaline, meticulously formulated to cater to all metal types while prioritizing a safe working environment. Imagine the convenience of painting directly on parts without the need for additional washing – a reality achievable with DST-PAS. Simplifying indoor storage with its temporary corrosion inhibitor, DST-PAS truly enhances efficiency and ease in your operations.  
The key benefits of using DST-PAS for corrosion protection include:  

It helps prevent corrosion damage, allowing metal parts to last longer and remain in optimal condition.

By reducing the frequent repairs and replacements due to corrosion, our DST-PAS can help save on maintenance costs.  

Corrosion-free metal parts maintain their structural integrity and functionality, ensuring optimal performance of equipment. 

The DST-PAS is formulated with environmentally friendly ingredients, making it safe for use in various industries without harming the environment.

Protect your equipment against corrosion!

Questions & Answers

What Is the Best Way to Prevent Corrosion? 
The best way to prevent corrosion is using protective coatings, cathodic protection systems, corrosion inhibitors, and regular maintenance and inspections of assets.  

Which Materials Are Most Susceptible to Corrosion? 
Materials such as steel, iron, aluminum, copper, and alloys containing these metals are most susceptible to corrosion due to their reactive nature and exposure to environmental factors.  

How Often Should Corrosion Protection Measures Be Checked? 
It depends on time, distance, and products. The metal part may only require protection during the duration of moving the component from point A to point B, which could range from a few hours to days, weeks, or even months. Therefore, it is not accurate to state that a minimum annual check is necessary; the inspection frequency depends on the level of corrosion protection needed. 

Which of the Following Is Not a Method of Corrosion Protection?
Chemical cleaning is not a method of corrosion protection. Chemical cleaning involves removing contaminants and debris from surfaces but does not provide long-term protection against corrosion.  

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We understand the importance of sustainability and strive to make a positive impact on the environment. By offering a range of sustainable detergent solutions. DST-CHEMICALS demonstrate a genuine commitment to reducing the ecological footprint associated with cleaning processes. Joining forces with us means aligning yourself with a company that prioritizes ethical practices and actively contributes to the green agenda.

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Boost efficiency with metal degreasing

Realizing the benefits of
taking TCO into consideration
for industrial cleaning

When it comes to maintaining a successful production, cutting costs is essential – and optimizing operations through detailed TCO analysis is the key to achieving long-term savings.

Table of Contents

What is degreasing?

Degreasing is the process of removing grease, oil, and other contaminants from the surface of metal parts. Metal degreasing, specifically, refers to the cleaning of metal components to eliminate any residue that could inhibit their performance or longevity.

Why degreasing is essential for metal parts

Grease and oil buildup on metal parts can have detrimental effects on their performance and durability. Not only can these contaminants cause parts to operate less efficiently, but they can also lead to corrosion over time. Proper degreasing ensures that metal components are clean and free from these harmful substances, allowing them to function optimally and last longer.

VMS group's success with industrial cleaning through DST-CHEMICALS in the offshore industry.

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Types of metals and their degreasing needs

Different types of metals have varying degreasing requirements based on their composition and intended use. For example, stainless steel, aluminum, and copper each require specific cleaning methods to effectively remove grease and oil without damaging the metal surface. It is important to identify the type of metal you are working with and utilize the appropriate degreasing technique to ensure the best results.

Degreasing steel

Degreasing steel parts can present specific challenges due to the material’s susceptibility to corrosion and contamination. To effectively clean steel components, it is essential to use degreasing techniques that are strong enough to remove grease and oil, yet gentle enough to damage the metal surface. Common methods for degreasing steel include using alkaline cleaners, solvent cleaners, or ultrasonic cleaners. These methods are effective in removing contaminants from steel parts, ensuring they are clean and ready for use.  

Degreasing aluminum

Aluminum parts also require special attention when it comes to degreasing, as the metal is prone to oxidation and can be easily damaged by harsh chemicals. When degreasing aluminum, it is important to use non-corrosive cleaners and avoid prolonged exposure to acidic or alkaline solutions. Techniques such as steam cleaning, solvent degreasing, or using alkaline cleaners are commonly used to remove grease and oil from aluminum without causing damage.

Need help finding the right degreaser? Let’s talk about your needs!

Methods for degreasing metal parts

There are two primary methods for degreasing metal parts: water-based degreasing and solvent degreasing. Water-based degreasing involves using water and biodegradable detergents to remove grease and oil from metal surfaces. This method is environmentally friendly and safe to use, making it a popular choice for many industries. Solvent degreasing, on the other hand, involves using chemical solvents to dissolve and remove contaminants from metal parts. While effective, solvent degreasing can be hazardous and should be used with caution.  

Advantages and applications of water-based degreasing has many advantages over solvent degreasing, including lower environmental impact, reduced health risks for workers, and cost-effectiveness. Water-based degreasers are versatile and can be used on a wide range of metals, making them a popular choice for many industries. They are also safe to use and dispose of, making them a sustainable option for degreasing metal parts. 
Read more about our water-based degreasing products

Discover our water-based cleaning solutions

Degreasing techniques for specific metal components

Degreasing steel surfaces for welding or coating: When preparing steel surfaces for welding or coating, it is crucial to ensure that the metal is thoroughly cleaned and free from grease or oil. For optimal results, degreasing steel surfaces can be done using solvent-based cleaner or a water-based cleaner. These products effectively remove contaminants and leave the steel surface clean and ready for further processing. It is important to follow manufacturer instructions and safety guidelines when using these chemicals to prevent any damage to the metal.

Degreasing Aluminum engine parts: Aluminum engine parts are particularly sensitive to grease and oil buildup, as these contaminants can affect engine performance and longevity. When degreasing aluminum engine parts, it is recommended to use a mild solvent or water-based degreaser that is safe for use on aluminum surfaces. Avoid harsh chemicals that can corrode or damage the aluminum. It is also beneficial to rinse the parts thoroughly after degreasing to ensure all residue is removed.

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Metal degreasing the DST way

We’ve done it before. Actually, we have helped professionals like you bring new life to machines since 1987.

Best practices for effective degreasing

Best practices for effective degreasing: To achieve effective degreasing results, it is important to follow best practices and guidelines. When selecting a degreaser, consider the compatibility of the product with the specific metal component you are cleaning. Different metals may require different degreasing agents to ensure optimal result. Additionally, always use the appropriate cleaning equipment, such as brushes or cloths, to effectively remove grease and oil from metal surfaces. Post-degreasing inspection is also crucial to ensure that all contaminants have been successfully removed before proceeding with further processing or assembly.

Selecting the right degreaser based on metal compatibility: Choosing the right degreaser for metal components is essential to achieve effective cleaning results: Consider the type of metal you are working with and select a degreaser that is compatible with the material. Water-based degreasers are safe and versatile for use on a wide range of metals, while solvent-based degreasers may be effective for certain applications. Always refer to product labels and manufacturer recommendations when selecting a degreaser to ensure compatibility and optimal performance.  

Recommendations for cleaning equipment and post degreasing inspection: After degreasing metal components, it is important to clean properly to maintain your degreasing equipment to ensure its longevity and effectiveness. Conduct post degreasing inspections to verify that all contaminants have been removed and that the metal parts are clean and ready for use. This step is crucial for ensuring the quality and performance of the finished product.
Read more about our industrial degreasing in the manufacturing process

Questions & Answers

What is degreasing? 
Degreasing is the process of removing grease, oil, and other contaminants from metal surfaces to ensure cleanliness and prevent corrosion or damage to the material.  

How do you degrease metal? 
Metal can be degreased using various methods, including solvent-based or water-based cleaners. It is essential to select a degreaser that is compatible with the specific metal component you are cleaning for optimal results and it is also important that it follows environmental standards.  

What can I use as a degreaser on metal?
You can use a variety of degreasers on metal surfaces, including water-based degreasing It is essential to select a degreaser that is compatible with the specific metal component you are cleaning for optimal results.

Still confused about finding the right degreaser? Let’s get in touch!

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We understand the importance of sustainability and strive to make a positive impact on the environment. By offering a range of sustainable detergent solutions. DST-CHEMICALS demonstrate a genuine commitment to reducing the ecological footprint associated with cleaning processes. Joining forces with us means aligning yourself with a company that prioritizes ethical practices and actively contributes to the green agenda.

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Industrial degreasing explained

Realizing the benefits of
taking TCO into consideration
for industrial cleaning

When it comes to maintaining a successful production, cutting costs is essential – and optimizing operations through detailed TCO analysis is the key to achieving long-term savings.

Table of Contents

What is industrial degreasing?

Industrial degreasing is the process of removing contaminants such as oils, greases, lubricants, dust, dirt, and residues from equipment and parts. These contaminants can build up over time and cause a variety of issues, including increased friction, overheating, corrosion, and mechanical failures. By removing these contaminants through degreasing, performance can be improved, leading to increased efficiency and longevity.

Understanding degreasers

Degreasers are typically composed of surfactants that work together to break down and dissolve substances. Surfactants are responsible for reducing surface tension, allowing the degreaser to penetrate and lift contaminants off surfaces.

There are various types of degreasers available on the market, each formulated for specific applications and surfaces. Some degreasers are water-based, while others are solvent-based. In addition to cleaning surfaces, degreasers also play a crucial role in preparing surfaces for coatings or treatments. 

Importance of degreasing for parts

When it comes to industrial degreasing, there are various methods that can be employed to effectively remove contaminants from surfaces and parts. Two common methods are solvent-based degreasing and water-based degreasing, each offering unique benefits and considerations.  
Water-based degreasing relies on the power of water and surfactants to remove contaminants from the surfaces. Water-based degreasers are environmentally friendly, non-toxic, and safer for workers to use. They are suitable for cleaning water-soluble contaminants and are generally less harsh on surfaces compared to solvent-based degreasers.  

On the other hand, solvent-based degreasers involve using chemical solvents to break down and dissolve contaminants. While solvent-based degreasers can be effective, they can be harsh on the environment and pose health risks to workers if not used properly. It is essential to follow safety guidelines and proper disposal procedures when using solvent-based degreasers.  
It is important to note that the effectiveness of a cleaner on heavy oils can depend on various factors, including the specific formulation of the cleaner and the nature of the oil. 

How we can help you with industrial cleaning

Tips for selecting the appropriate degreasing method include: 

Identify the type of contaminants: Determine whether the contaminants are oil-based or water-soluble to choose between solvent-based and water-based degreasers.  
Consider surface materials: Some surfaces may be sensitive to certain chemicals, so it is essential to select a degreasing method that will not cause damage.  
Environmental impact: Consider the environmental impact of the degreasing method and choose an eco-friendlier option if possible. 
Safety precautions: Ensure that proper safety measures are in place when using degreasers, especially solvent-based solutions, to protect workers and the environment.  

Degreasing plays a crucial role in maintaining the efficiency and performance of parts and equipment in various industrial settings.

  • Reduced Friction: One of the primary benefits of degreasing is the reduction of friction between moving parts. Oils and greases can create a layer of residue that increases friction, leading to wear and tear on components. By removing these contaminants, degreasing helps to reduce friction and prolong the lifespan of parts.

  • Improved heat dissipation:
    Oily residues can act as insulators, trapping heat and inhibiting the proper dissipation of heat generated by parts. Degreasing helps to remove theme insulating layers, allowing for better heat dissipation, and preventing overheating, which can lead to equipment failure.

  • Enhanced performance:
    Clean parts operate more efficiently, leading to improved performance and productivity. Degreasing ensures that components can function optimally without hindrance of contaminants, resulting in smoother operation and reduced downtime.

  • Safety
    Proper degreasing also has important safety implications in the workplace. Oily residues left on parts can create slippery surfaces that increase the risk of slip and fall accidents caused by oily residues is significantly reduced, creating a safer work environment for employees.

  • Prevention of Accidents: Accidents can occur when parts malfunction due to the buildup of contaminants like oils and greases. Degreasing helps to prevent these accidents by ensuring that equipment operates smoothly and efficiently. Regular maintenance and degreasing can identify potential issues before they escalate into safety hazards.  
    Read more about industrial parts cleaning here

VMS group's success with industrial cleaning through DST-CHEMICALS in the offshore industry.

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Best practices in industrial degreasing

Best practices in industrial degreasing are essential to ensure optimal performance, safety, and longevity of equipment. Here are some guidelines for maintaining degreasing equipment and implementing safety protocols:  
1. Equipment Maintenance:
A) Instrument adjustment:
Ensure that degreasing equipment is properly instrumented to ensure accurate and efficient cleaning.
B) Regular checks: Perform regular inspections of equipment for any signs of wear and tear, leaks, or malfunctions, and address any issues promptly.
C) Clean equipment:
Thoroughly clean and maintain degreasing equipment to prevent contaminants from accumulating and affecting performance.
D) Follow manufacturer’s guidelines: Adhere to the manufacturer’s instructions for proper operation, maintenance, and storage of degreasing equipment. 

2. Safety protocols:
A) Ventilation:
Ensure adequate ventilation in the degreasing area to minimize exposure to fumes and vapors. Consider installing ventilation systems or using exhaust fans to remove airborne contaminants.
B) Protective gear: Provide appropriate personal protective equipment (PPE) such as gloves, goggles, and respirators to employees handling degreasers to protect against chemical exposure.
C) Training:
Properly train employees in the safe handling and use of degreasers, including how to handle spills or accidents.
D) Disposal Procedures: Establish proper procedures for the disposal of degreasing chemicals and waste in compliance with regulations. Consider recycling or reusing degreasing solutions when possible.

3. Environmental considerations:
A) Use Eco-friendly degreasers:
Consider using environmentally friendly degreasers that are biodegradable and safer for the environment.
B) spill prevention: Implement spill prevention measures and have appropriate spill response kits on hand in case of accidents.
C) Proper Storage: Store degreaser in a designated area away from heat sources, ignition points, and incompatible materials to prevent accidents.

How we can cover your needs with our industrial degreasers

You’ve learned a ton so far, and it’s totally normal if you’re feeling a bit overwhelmed and wondering how to choose the right industrial degreaser for your needs. Don’t worry, we’ve got your back if you need us!

Our degreasing solutions offer three key advantages that set them apart. Before diving into these benefits, it is crucial to highlight that all our DST-products are water-based, making them ideal for industrial environments. Firstly, our degreasers excel at operating at low temperatures, effectively cleaning and degreasing any metal surface.

Furthermore, they are foam-free from 38°C which means boosts cleaning efficiency. Secondly, the pH levels of our water-based DST-DEGREEZ products range from slightly acidic to neutral and slightly alkaline, facilitating safe degreasing of various metal types without compromising employee health. Lastly, our demulsifying DST-DEGREEZ products prolong bath life and minimize interruptions by separating oil from the washing solution, allowing for easy removal using an oil skimmer. Simplifying your workday, enhancing efficiency, and reducing downtime – all made possible with DST-DEGREEZ 

VMS group's success with industrial cleaning through DST-CHEMICALS in the offshore industry.

Learn more about our industrial cleaning products

Questions & Answers

What is the industrial degreasing process? Industrial degreasing involves the removal of oils, greases, and contaminants from parts and equipment to maintain optimal performance and efficiency. This process typically involves the application of degreasing agent or solvents to dissolve or dislodge the contaminants, followed by rinsing or wiping to remove them from the surface.  

What is an industrial degreaser?  An industrial degreaser is a chemical agent or solvent specially designed to remove oils, grease, and contaminants from parts, equipment, machinery, and surfaces. Degreasers come in various formulations, including solvent-based, water-based, and environmentally friendly options, depending on the application and environmental considerations.

What are the environmental benefits of water-based degreasers?  Water-based degreasers offer environmental benefits compared to solvent-based degreasers, as they are typically biodegradable and less harmful to the environment. They reduce the risk of air and water pollution, minimize chemical exposure to workers, and contribute to a more sustainable cleaning process.

How does degreasing prolong the lifespan of equipment?  Degreasing helps to prolong the lifespan of equipment by reducing friction between moving parts, improving heat dissipation, and enhancing overall performance. With the removal of oil, grease, and other contaminants that can cause wear and tear on components, degreasing prevents premature equipment failure, extends maintenance intervals, and ensures optimal functionality and efficiency.

Read more about related products to this article

We understand the importance of sustainability and strive to make a positive impact on the environment. By offering a range of sustainable detergent solutions. DST-CHEMICALS demonstrate a genuine commitment to reducing the ecological footprint associated with cleaning processes. Joining forces with us means aligning yourself with a company that prioritizes ethical practices and actively contributes to the green agenda.

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What is solvent degreasing?

Realizing the benefits of
taking TCO into consideration
for industrial cleaning

When it comes to maintaining a successful production, cutting costs is essential – and optimizing operations through detailed TCO analysis is the key to achieving long-term savings.

Table of Contents

What is solvent degreasing?

Solvent degreasing is a method of cleaning metal parts and equipment by using chemical solvents to dissolve and remove grease, oil, dirt, and other contaminants. This process is crucial in industrial settings where cleanliness and surface preparation are essential for maintaining product quality, performance, and safety.  

The role of solvent degreasing in industrial cleaning is paramount. Grease, oil, and other contaminants can accumulate on metal parts during manufacturing, storage, or transportation, leading to issues such as decreased efficiency, product defects, and potential safety hazards. Solvent degreasing effectively eliminates these contaminants, allowing for proper surface preparation and ensuring that components are clean and ready for further processing or assembly.  

Solvent degreasing is commonly used in industries such as automotive, aerospace, electronics, and metal fabrication, where metal parts need to meet stringent cleanliness standards. 

Types of solvents for degreasing

Hydrocarbon-based solvents are a popular choice for industrial degreasing due to their effectiveness in removing oil, grease, and other contaminants from metal surfaces. These solvents are derived from petroleum and are known for their fast evaporation rates, low residue, and compatibility with a wide range of materials. Hydrocarbon solvents are commonly used in industries such as automotive, aerospace, and metal fabrication for degreasing applications.  

One well-known type of hydrocarbon solvent is mineral spirits, which is a versatile solvent that can effectively dissolve grease and oil without leaving behind a residue. Mineral spirits are often used in degreasing operations where a strong solvent is required, but caution should be taken as they can be flammable and have some health risks associated with prolonged exposure.  

Chlorinated solvents, on the other hand, have been widely used in industrial degreasing due to their excellent cleaning properties and fast evaporation rates. However, chlorinated solvents such as trichloroethylene and perchloroethylene are now facing increased scrutiny due to their environmental and health hazards. These solvents are known to be toxic, carcinogenic, and detrimental to the ozone layer, leading to regulatory restrictions on their use. 

As a more environmentally friendly alternative, bio-based solvents offer a sustainable solution for degreasing operations. These solvents are derived from renewable resources such as plants, fruits, or vegetables and are biodegradable, non-toxic, and low in VOC emissions. Water-based degreasers, like those offered by us, are a popular choice for manufacturers looking to reduce their environmental footprint while maintaining effective cleaning performance. These degreasers are safe to use, cost-effective, and can be used in a wide range of applications without compromising cleaning efficiency.  

VMS group's success with industrial cleaning through DST-CHEMICALS in the offshore industry.

Discover our water-based cleaning solutions

Water-based degreaser – an alternative to solvent degreasing

Water-based degreasers are cleaning solution that are primarily composed of water and other biodegradable ingredients, such as surfactants, detergents, de- and emulsifiers. Surfactants are compounds that lower the surface tension between two substances, allowing them to mix more easily. Detergents are cleaning agents that help to remove dirt and grease from surfaces. A demulsifier is a chemical additive used to separate emulsions, which are mixtures of two or more liquids that do not normally mix together. Demulsifiers help break down the emulsion, allowing the liquids to separate more easily. Emulsifiers are substances that help to mix two liquids that would normally separate, creating a stable mixture. These degreasers are designed to remove grease, oil, dirt, and other contaminants from a variety of surfaces, including metal, concrete, and plastic. Water-based degreasers are considered environmentally friendly alternatives to solvent-based degreasers because they are non-toxic, non-flammable, and have lower VOC emissions.

Advantages of water-based degreasers include: 


    Water-based degreasers are biodegradable and contain fewer hazardous chemicals compared to solvent-based degreasers. They have minimal impact on the environment and reduce the impact on the environment and reduce the generation of hazardous waste.

  • Safety:
    Water-based degreasers are safer to use than solvent-based degreasers, as they are non-toxic and non-flammable. This makes them ideal for use in indoor and confined spaces where ventilation may be limited.

  • Cost-effective: Water-based degreasers are typically more cost-effective than solvent-based degreasers, as water is a readily available and inexpensive solvent. Additionally, water-based degreasers can be diluted with water to extend their use and reduce overall cleaning costs.

  • Versatility: Water-based degreasers can be used on a wide range of surfaces, including metal and concrete. They are effective in removing grease, oil, and other contaminants from parts, equipment, floors, and other industrial surfaces.

  • Compliance with regulations:
    Water-based degreasers are compliant with environmental regulations and standards, making them an ideal choice for industries looking to reduce their environmental impact and meet sustainability goals.  

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Benefits of solvent-based cleaners

Solvent-based cleaners offer several advantages in terms of efficiency and effectiveness in cleaning applications. Some of the key benefits include: 

Cleaning power: Solvent-based cleaners are effective at removing tough grease, oil, dirt, and contaminants from various surfaces, including metal, machinery, and equipment. They can penetrate and dissolve stubborn residues quickly, leading to faster cleaning times and improved results.  

Quick drying: Solvent-based cleaners evaporate quickly, leaving surfaces clean and dry in a short amount of time. This can help reduce downtime and increase productivity in industrial settings where rapid cleaning is necessary.  
Despite their efficiency and effectiveness, solvent-based cleaners come with environmental and health concerns due to their chemical composition. Some of the challenges associated with solvent use include: 

Challenges of solvent-based cleaners

Environmental impact: Solvents can contribute to air and water pollution if not properly managed. The use of volatile organic compounds (VOCs) can contribute to smog formation and harm air quality. Improper disposal of solvent waste can also contaminate soil and water sources. 

Health hazards: Solvents can pose health risks to workers exposed to them through inhalation, skin contact, or ingestion. Some solvents are toxic, carcinogenic, or can cause respiratory and skin irritation. Prolonged exposure to solvent vapors can lead to long-term health effects.

How to mitigate the risks associated with solvent-based cleaners?

Use in a well-ventilated area: Ensure that solvent-based cleaners are used in well-ventilated areas to minimize exposure to harmful fumes and vapors. Use exhaust fans or wear personal protective equipment, such as respirators, gloves, and eye protection.

Proper storage and handling: Store solvent-based cleaners in a well-ventilated, secure area away from sources of heat, sparks, or flames. Follow proper handling procedures, such as avoiding direct skin contact and using appropriate tools for dispensing and application.

Proper disposal: Dispose of solvent waste according to local regulations and guidelines. Avoid pouring solvent waste down drains or sewers and do not mix solvent waste with other chemicals. Consider recycling or reclaiming solvents when possible.

Consider alternatives: Explore alternative cleaning solutions, such as water-based cleaners or biodegradable solvents, that offer effective cleaning while minimizing environmental and health risks.

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Questions and Answers

What kinds of solvents are used in degreasing?
The solvents used in degreasing can vary depending on the specific cleaning application. Common solvents used include mineral spirits, acetone, isopropyl alcohol, and perchloroethylene.

What is a solvent based degreaser? 
A solvent-based degreaser is a cleaning product that contains organic solvents to dissolve and remove grease, oil, dirt, and contaminants from surfaces. These degreasers are commonly used in industrial and commercial cleaning applications.

What is best for degreasing? 
The best solvents for degreasing will depend on the type of contaminants being removed and the solvents that is effective at dissolving the specific residues without causing damage to the material being cleaned.

What is the difference between solvent and water-based degreaser? 
The main difference between solvent and water-based degreasers lies in their composition. Solvent-based degreasers contain organic solvents as the primary cleaning agent, while water-based degreasers use water as the primary solvent, sometimes supplemented with tencides or other cleaning agents. These help to reduce surface tension and improve cleaning efficiency by allowing the cleaner to penetrate and lift away dirt and grease. 

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